Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A month ago I received an unexpected phone call from the Home Builders Association... It was Shannon asking if I would be interested to come down to work the HOME SHOW. She was so nervous that I would say no... I don't know what she was thinking! I jumped at the chance!! The HOME SHOW was my favorite event to work. It was definitely the hardest to work but still my favorite. I love being able to interact with so many people at one time...many being my good friends! I just wish I had worn a pedometer... I swear I walked a marathon each day!

The northern winter did throw me a curve ball... Kevin took me to the airport on thursday night to find out that my flight was canceled due to snow in Chicago. Ugh... Lucky for me, they were able to re-route my flight... To 5:30am Friday morning!!!!

My sweet (and sleepy) husband took me to the airport at 4:30am for my flight. I arrived in Little Rock around 2:00pm. Needless to say, Friday was a long day at the show. But, I had a lot of caffeine, red bull and 5 hour energy shots to help!

I was also super excited about seeing my friends!! The Boys and Girls Club of Central Arkansas hosted a Mardi Gras Benefit on Friday night, so all my friends were in one place!! It was a perfect night except for my sleep deprivation!

Mom and grandma also came to see me on Saturday! It was truly a great night! Mom, grandma, Myself and Shannon all went to dinner after the show on Saturday! It was so nice to sit back, relax, enjoy great conversation and food!! Mom, gmaw and I all stayed at a hotel that night!

Overall, it was a perfect and tiring weekend! You don't realize how special your friends and family are until you move away! We miss you all so much!! Come visit! It's almost summer... And PS, if you don't know, it's absolutely beautiful here in the summer!

Special thanks to Chad Launius for picking me up at the airport on Friday and Betsy for putting me up on Friday night, loaning me your car on Saturday and for taking me to the airport on Sunday!!

PSS- Shannon I'm game in 2013!

With love, Lauren