Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Turkey Day

Our first Thanksgiving was a first in many ways... First as a married couple, First being away from our families and First to cook several recipes on our own.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Craig, Julie and Chris Brown at their house. They were wonderful hosts! Julie cooked a ham, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad and rolls. Kevin and I brought macaroni special (Grandma Laney's recipe), sausage stuffing (Ms. Terry's recipe) and pumpkin cheesecake (Mom's recipe). I cooked the macaroni dish, the cheesecake and started the stuffing. I have to hand it to Kevin, he almost cooked the stuffing by himself... and it was GOOD! Actually, all three dishes turned out perfect!

Here's the cheesecake! I meant to take pictures of all three dishes... 
It was truly a great day! We all ate until we were stuffed, watched the Packers reach their 11-0 record and took home lots of leftovers!

It was a little sad being away from our families, but we have only been in Wisconsin for 3 weeks or so. Plus, the Williams are coming to visit next week and we couldn't be more excited. We already have a few fun places to show them. Christmas is also right around the corner and we'll be coming home to Arkansas.

Before I leave, I thought I would share a few things I'm thankful for: my husband Kevin, my family, my new family, my sweet friends, our awesome dogs, my health and energy, and I'm also very thankful for this adventure. It's great to see and experience new things knowing we're coming back to our true home, Arkansas!

Until next time, Lauren

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Glad to hear y'all had a wonderful thanksgiving! Can't wait to see you at Christmas!
